Goldfish with Fin

Goldfish with Fin
Sharks in my Fish Tank

Friday, September 3, 2010

Mom, what's a cougar?

As all mothers know, the safety of ones children is of utmost importance. When the boys were younger, that concern was that they wouldn't hurt themselves riding their bikes, or kill each other with a cricket bat....  I also watched them like a hawk when shopping for fear of them being kidnapped......  not that the kidnapper would keep them very long.  At that age I sometimes wanted to give them away....... :) But with time, the fears decreased, they started being able to stand up for themselves, and now that they stand a good foot taller than me, I feel more at ease that they will be able to look after themselves..... felt at ease, until Divan came home with a question: "Mom, what is a cougar?" 
I stopped mid step.  "A what?" I asked.  "A cougar....." Searching his face for that naughty twinkle in his eyes, I realised he was dead serious. 
"Well, a cougar is an older woman who dates younger men." Stunned silence.
"They are usually MUCH older than the guys.  We used to say that the guys were the woman's 'toy boy'."
Stunned silence.
"Young guys must be very careful because older women sometimes prey on these younger guys and if the guys aren't careful they can get hurt"
"Why do you ask?"
"Because there are a lot of Grade 8 girls who like me, and I don't want to be a cougar!"
No fear of that......

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