Goldfish with Fin

Goldfish with Fin
Sharks in my Fish Tank

Thursday, June 12, 2014

It's a language thing

My language is English.  Whilst growing up, my parents spoke Afrikaans, but my siblings and I spoke English.  I think it was because we grew up in Rhodesia and the language was 90 % English.  I love English.....  The nuances of the language amaze me.  Now married with children of my own, our home language is Afrikaans.  Now and then the boys will converse with me in English, but not often.  I find that it's only in English that I can really express myself - put it all out there....... and no-one realises this more than my family.

My husband went to the Dentist who diagnosed an abscess in one of his teeth.  She gave him a course of antibiotics (7 days worth).  I felt so sorry for him, and kept inquiring about his well being.....  9 days later, he was still complaining about this tooth.  I found this very odd and asked him if he had taken the antibiotics as prescribed......
"Well, maybe not as prescribed....."
"What do you mean "not as prescribed....."
"Well, maybe I didn't take them everyday."
"Dennis, you have to take antibiotics 3 times a day until the course is finished otherwise they don't work, you know this...."  my agitation growing "How may tablets do you have left?"
"About 3 days worth?"
Before I could help myself I called out "Seuna!!!!!"  which I usually reserve for use on my sons when they step out of line....
"You can't call me that?"  he said indignantly.
"I can if you are acting like one of my children!"
And the matter, according to me, was closed.

Dennis had to collect Divan from a friend later that afternoon and on the way home he told Divan that I was very angry with him.  Divan heard about the tablets and the story ended with the use of Seuna!.
He waited a while, then asked his Dad....
"Did she switch over into English?"
"No," Dennis replied.
"Ag no, then it's not so bad......."

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