Goldfish with Fin

Goldfish with Fin
Sharks in my Fish Tank

Friday, June 29, 2012

Childhood Memories (2)

When the boys were 6, 4 and 2, Dennis and I decided to visit family in the Cape for our December holiday.  Everyone was very excited and couldn't wait!!  But I was just a little aprehensive as the boys were quite 'busy' at that stage. (Our next door neighbour in Springfontein, Oom Piet Marx, always said that you never get a well behaved boy. If you do, he is either sick or dead. My boys were neither sick nor dead!) 
But off we went to Cape Town merrily singing '99 bottles of coke on the wall'...... (no beer in front of the children!)
We stayed with Dennis's aunt Eunice, uncle Kobus and Great Ouma Debbie and had a wonderful holiday.  I don't know if they had such a wonderful time though, but were such great hosts that they only lavished us with love.  I do think, however, that they needed to see a therapist after we left :(
Divan hit the Cape in top form.
We were invited to supper with another Aunt and Uncle on Dennis's mother's side one evening.  On the way there I kept asking - no, begging - the boys to be on their best behaviour. This couple had beautiful furniture which you don't see often these days - antiques.... The first hour went well.... bearing in mind that there were no other children there for the boys to play with. Dennie, Dylan and Divan were lying on the carpet colouring in.  Then we were asked to take our places at the dining room table and Divan notched into top gear.....

First he took his dinky toy car and drove around and around on the antique table. I seem to have been the only one who heard the table groaning as the wheels scratched and squealed on the polished oak. "Los die kind....." then he climbed onto the couch with his shoes on, and proceeded to make his way from one end of the lounge, across each seat, side table etc. to the other side of the lounge..... smiling at me! "Divan!!" "Los die kind...."  I cannot tell you what we had for supper that evening..... I don't think I have apologised so much in my life....
When Dennis eventually said that we were leaving, I had Divan under my arm in a vice grip, his legs pinned between mine, and I swear I had the dinky toy clenched in my teeth!
In the car on the way back to Durbanville, Divan lay on my lap and looked up into my face.  His eyes were drooping and I knew he would fall asleep any minute now.  Just before his eyes closed, he looked up at me and with a small smile on his face says: "I was good tonight, wasn't I Mommy?"

1 comment:

  1. Bwahahahah! Oh my word! Those were the days!
