Goldfish with Fin

Goldfish with Fin
Sharks in my Fish Tank

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Mom is always needed.....

When my sons were younger, I was comfortable in the security of knowing that they needed me - whether it was for food, shelter, or a plaster on a cut finger.  I was needed.  It kind of made me someone.  There is nothing like being needed.  Then as they grew older, their needs changed and I always wondered when they would stop needing me.  (I must confess that sometimes I wished it would be soon!).  But you know what?  Their needs change as they grow up into adulthood - now they need me for encouragement, advice and as a confidante.  It's as though the cycles of parenthood evolve - I've been through nurturing, mothering and now I'm mentoring.  And that can be very scary.  Am I equiped to be a mentor to these individuals whose minds are sponges and take in everything they see?  (I know I'm better than Metalica!) All I know is that I need God to guide me, so that I can guide my sons.  The road gets pretty rocky, and many a time I am lost for words and my heart aches for them, be it sporting disappointments or failed loves.  But thanks to my GPS (God's Precious Spirit), I can keep my feet on the right track..... and can help out where I'm needed.

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