Goldfish with Fin

Goldfish with Fin
Sharks in my Fish Tank

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Seek and ye shall find....

Being the only woman in a house full of men, life has its moments.  One thing I have come to realise is that men cannot find anything....  They can spend an entire day looking for something and not find it.  I believe when you apply logic, you can find almost anything.

I have returned home from work at 4 pm and have one of my sons ask me if I had seen his ID book. When I asked him if he had looked for it, his answer was: "No, I didn't want to spend the whole day looking and then you walk in and find it in any case......"  which, of course, I did.  It was in the drawer of his bedside table!

Over the past weekend, Dylan and his cousin, Michael, were look for the LAN cable so that they could play computer games.  All credit to Dylan, he first asked his older brother if he had seen the cable, which he had not. It was then my turn:
" Mom, have you seen the blue LAN cable?"
"No, I haven't.  Where did you use it last?"
"In the dining room"
and so the search started:
Look in the dining room - last place it was used : nothing.
Look in the lounge - saw Dennis there with Dylan's laptop : nothing
Look in Dennis's bedroom - last person who used the LAN cable : Eureka!!!

I gave the cable to Dylan.
"Mom, you are amazing!!!  Did you go to the School of Finding Lost Things or something?"
No, I seriously think it's just because I'm a woman.........